Tickets on sale 27th July 2024 - £35 each.
How to order your tickets to the Newton Abbot
Charity Town Ball
You have 3 options to order your Newton Abbot Charity Town Ball tickets
In person: from Sample Mills Estate Agents, 3 Bank Street, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2JL.
You can collect an Order Form from them for your guest's menu choices that you should complete and hand to them with your payment.
Please don't contact Sample Mills with queries about the event.
Email: email Attach the completed scanned/photographed
Order Form. Please ensure the scan/photograph is clear and legible. The ways to pay are below.
Post: please post your completed Order Form to the Newton Abbot Charity Town Ball, C/O The Old Chapel, Chapel Lane, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6HH. The ways to pay are below.
Please call Sue on 07977 590531 with any queries.
Please see Information for Guests
Order and Menu form
Please complete ALL the required details
We will need all attendees' names and menu choices, including any special dietary requirements.
Paying for your tickets
Bank Transfer and BACS
Account name: Newton Abbot Charity Town Ball
Sort Code: 30-80-83. Account number: 24263668
Please put a payment reference of your first initial and your surname, or your Group name.
Eg. Sue Davie would be 'S Davie' or group name 'Davie Family'.
Don't forget to send your completed order form to us (as described above and with the same payment reference) as we confirm receipt of all bank payments but will not be able to do so without it. If you don't get confirmation of your payment within 7 days then please contact us
Made payable to Newton Abbot Charity Town Ball.
Take to Sample Mills Estate Agents, 3 Bank Street, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2JL
Post to: Sue Davie. The Old Chapel, Chapel Lane, Liverton, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6HH
Please attach the completed order form with your cheque.
Cash payments can be done through Sample Mills Estate Agents.
Please do not send cash through the post.